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2024-02-29 05:21:44

De beleidskeuzes van decennia geleden die de woningmarkt sloopten
Bottomline: schandalen maakten het neoliberale afbraak beleid mogelijk.
Het gaat spannend worden of de Kamers het aandurven of de partijen lering durv…

Screenshot kop artikel 

De beleidskeuzes van decennia geleden die de woningmarkt sloopten

Achtergrond donderdag 29 februari

Dit verhaal is alleen vandaag gratis te lezen.
Het CDA – de geestelijk vader van de hervormingen – heeft besloten liever ten halve gekeerd dan ten hele gedwaald te zijn. Met zijn Wet betaalbare huur wil minister De Jonge de liberalisatiegrens verhogen en de prijzen van een groter aantal huurwoningen weer onder controle van de overheid brengen. Nu de Tweede Kamer heeft besloten de wet in behandeling te nemen, krijgen alle partijen een tweede kans om nu wel een fundamenteel debat over de toekomst van de volkshuisvesting met elkaar aan te gaan…
2024-03-30 11:00:24

i started playing #Celeste64 and it's pretty fun! (it's also free 🤑!)
the platforming is pretty tricky, as you would …

screenshot of Celeste 64 showing madeline in all her cute pixely glory and the snowy crumbling skyline of the Foresaken City. as well as a waypoint flag and a double dash crystal.
2024-03-28 17:55:16

This story details a valid cause for alarm with deep fakes and identity theft (without, apparently, recourse).
But I'm posting mainly to shake my head at the unintended pun with "bad actors" in the part I put in the screenshot.
"Women’s faces stolen for AI ads selling ED pills and praising Putin" - The Washington Post

The pertinent paragraph runs:

"Because it’s simpler and cheaper to base fake videos on real content, bad actors are scooping up videos on social media that match the demographic of a sales pitch, leading to what experts predict will be an explosion of ads made with stolen identities."
2024-04-29 03:28:15

‘Ik zet steeds vaker het Journaal uit, als ik zie hoe respectloos sommige politici over anderen praten. Waardeloos’ | de #Volkskrant

Screenshot Volkskrant 
Interview - 100 JAAR

‘Ik zet steeds vaker het Journaal uit, als ik zie hoe respectloos sommige politici over anderen praten. Waardeloos’
Alie Verheij-Markerink, 100 jaar.

Beeld Aurélie Geurts
2024-03-28 17:55:16

This story details a valid cause for alarm with deep fakes and identity theft (without, apparently, recourse).
But I'm posting mainly to shake my head at the unintended pun with "bad actors" in the part I put in the screenshot.
"Women’s faces stolen for AI ads selling ED pills and praising Putin" - The Washington Post

The pertinent paragraph runs:

"Because it’s simpler and cheaper to base fake videos on real content, bad actors are scooping up videos on social media that match the demographic of a sales pitch, leading to what experts predict will be an explosion of ads made with stolen identities."
2024-04-27 09:46:03

Pas peut fier de moi - Proud of myself.
20k quest answered in #streetcomplete
Vingt mille quêtes !!!
#osm #opendata

Screenshot of 20k.
Ive mostly worked in France, flags of countries I did streetcomplete usa France sapin greece NL ne Germany canada uk
Quest I answered grouped by how many
2024-04-25 19:17:07

My mum asked about an app.
She was diagnosed with Parkinson's at the same time as she was panicking about the pandemic, while also coping with caring for my fairly newly paraplegic father.
She heard of:
#boostsAppreciated #parkinsons
2024-04-26 09:00:55

What the ELLE?
Great Australian Pods Podcast Directory: #GreatAusPods

What the ELLE?
Screenshot of the podcast listing on the Great Australian Pods website
2024-04-26 11:27:39

Between now and Commencement, we are sharing profiles of graduating students. We continue with Nailah Garard '24 M.A.R., M.E.M.! #yds2024

A close up of a Black woman in a white collar shirt and long, oval earrings.
2024-04-26 09:00:55

What the ELLE?
Great Australian Pods Podcast Directory: #GreatAusPods

What the ELLE?
Screenshot of the podcast listing on the Great Australian Pods website